Workers Compensation Claim NSW

If you’ve been injured in your workplace, you may be able to claim compensation for some of the losses you have incurred. You can claim Workers’ Compensation for a variety of injuries and losses, including loss of income and reasonable medical costs. However, there are steps you have to follow to make a claim. Get in touch with us at PK Simpson in Sydney to help you wade through the Workers’ Compensation forms, rules and regulations and lodge your claim.
Notify Your Boss
The first step is vital. To make a Workers’ Compensation claim, you are advised to immediately let your employer know all the details of how the accident or incident occurred, and what injuries you have sustained. There is a six-month window in which you must do this, but the sooner, the better.
For over 38 years, the lawyers at PK Simpson have helped people in Sydney to get the Workers’ Compensation they are entitled to receive.
Our lawyers have the skills and experience to make sure your Workers’ Compensation claim runs smoothly and successfully.
See Your Doctor
You need to see your local doctor who will complete a Certificate of Capacity. A copy must be forwarded to both your insurer and employer. You then must complete the Worker’s Injury Claim Form and send it to the insurer.
Lodge Your Claim
While you can claim reasonably necessary medical expenses, you might be entitled to compensation for other losses, so always see a lawyer before lodging your claim. If you live in or near Sydney, you might be wondering, “Is there a PK Simpson Workers’ Compensation lawyer nearby or near me?” If so, call us on 1300 757 467 or email, so we sort out your No Win No Fee Workers’ Compensation claim.