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    Have you suffered a shoulder injury or another accident at a Woolworths supermarket? Whether you’re an employee who has experienced a shoulder injury, such as a rotator cuff injury from lifting heavy objects, or a customer who has sustained a shoulder injury from a slip and fall, you may be entitled to claim compensation. At PK Simpson, we can help you navigate both workers’ compensation claims and public liability claims for shoulder injuries and other injuries sustained at Woolworths.

    About Woolworths

    The Woolworths Group Limited is an Australian-owned and listed public company, operating approximately 1,050 supermarkets and Metro convenience stores. With over 215,000 employees, workplace injuries including shoulder injuries and other accidents are unfortunately common occurrences that may require workers’ compensation claims or public liability claims.

    For more than 35 years we’ve helped injured and ill people of Australia in making slip and fall Woolworths supermarket compensation claims.

    Common Shoulder Injuries in Supermarket Settings

    • Rotator cuff tear from lifting
    • Shoulder strain from repetitive motions
    • Shoulder dislocations from falls
    • Shoulder impingement syndrome
    • Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)
    • Traumatic injury to the shoulder joint
    • Injuries to the shoulder blade and upper arm bone
    • Chronic conditions from repetitive motion

    Hazards in Woolworths Supermarkets

    Woolworths supermarkets must constantly restock shelves, creating risks for both workers and customers. Common hazards that can lead to shoulder injuries and other accidents include:

    For Workers:

    • Lifting heavy objects
    • Repetitive overhead stocking
    • Sudden trauma from falling items
    • Shoulder strain from repeated movements
    • Injuries requiring medical treatment

    For Customers:

    • Slip and fall accidents
    • Falling merchandise
    • Collision with equipment
    • Wet or slippery floors
    • Obstacles in aisles

    Compensation Benefits Available

    Whether you’re an employee who has reached maximum medical improvement after a shoulder injury or a customer who has suffered an injury, you may be entitled to:

    For Workers:

    • Weekly payments for lost wages
    • Medical expenses coverage
    • Permanent impairment benefits
    • Lump sum payment options
    • Workers’ compensation claims benefits
    • Common law claims, where applicable

    For Customers:

    • Medical treatment costs
    • Pain and suffering compensation
    • Lost income reimbursement
    • Future treatment expenses
    • Lump sum settlements

    Making a Successful Claim

    For Workers with Shoulder Injuries:

    1. Report the injury immediately
    2. Seek appropriate medical treatment
    3. Document how the injury occurred
    4. Complete necessary claim forms
    5. Undergo impairment assessment
    6. Consider whole-person impairment claims
    7. Reach maximum medical improvement
    8. Seek legal advice about compensation

    For Customers:

    1. Report the accident to store management
    2. Gather witness information
    3. Take photos if possible
    4. Seek medical attention
    5. Keep all documentation
    6. Contact our legal team

    Why Choose PK Simpson?

    Our compensation lawyers specialise in:

    • Workers compensation claims
    • Public liability cases
    • Shoulder injury compensation claims
    • WorkCover payouts
    • Common law claims
    • Permanent impairment assessments

    Maximising Your Compensation

    To ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation, we:

    • Arrange proper medical assessments
    • Document all injuries thoroughly
    • Consider previous injury impact
    • Assess long-term disability ratings
    • Calculate future treatment needs
    • Evaluate lost wage claims
    • Review all available benefits

    Expert Legal Support

    If you’ve suffered a shoulder injury or other accident at Woolworths, don’t hesitate to contact our experienced legal team. We understand both workers’ compensation and public liability law, ensuring your best interests are protected throughout the claims process.

    Claim Compensation for Slip & Fall Accidents and Injuries in Woolworths Supermarket With PK Simpson Today

    If you’ve been injured in an accident in a Woolworths supermarket, call our team of personal injury compensation specialists at PK Simpson today. If you’re a Woolworths employee who’s been injured in the workplace, you can file a workers’ compensation claim.

    If you need a lawyer nearby or you’re searching online for ‘lawyers near me or in my area’, call PK Simpson on 1300 411 596 so we can check out your claim and begin the process.

    Contact Us Today If You’re Unable to Work

      Injured in an accident?

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      For over 35 years we’ve helped injured and ill people of Australia
      in making slip and fall Woolworths compensation claims.

      Employees in Factories and

      Heavy machinery, repetition and crushing accident injuries occurring in factories,

      Construction Sites

      Construction injuries to do with heavy lifting and heavy machinery on or around

      NSW Police Force Employees

      Injuries occurring in the course of carrying out work as a police officer


      Injuries occurring in the course of carrying out work as a fire-fighter

      NSW Paramedics, Hospital

      Injuries and accidents suffered whilst conducting life saving and regular duties

      Shopping Centres and

      Accidents happen on a daily basis in these highly populated and busy areas

      Restaurants / Cafes

      Accidents and injuries to workers and patrons

      Schools / Universities / TAFE

      Accidents and injuries occurring in both private and public venues

      Shops / Offices / Other

      Personal injury compensation is available to you if you come to us

      All Workplace Accidents and

      Any work injuries occurring in a workplace

      Supermarkets in Sydney That Can Provide Compensation
      For Slips, Falls, Accidents and Other Injuries

      Get in touch and find out what compensation you are owed.

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