If you sustain a work related injury or disease, you could be entitled to receive compensation to help you cope with suffering, injury, lost salary and rehabilitation. Not all injuries sustained at work fall under the umbrella where it’s possible to make a claim, but if you have sustained an injury or contracted a disease that is directly related to work, then you could have a claim.
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Employer Obligations
Employers are obligated to provide a safe environment for their staff. This means that they must take reasonable care in ensuring the office or work site complies with safety regulations and reduce the chances of accidents or illness occurring.
Employee Responsibilities
Similarly, employees must work with safety in mind, and also do nothing that will cause an injury or illness in themselves due to their own negligence.
Compensation Eligibility
If you follow all safety procedures and still sustain an injury or become ill at the fault of your employer, you could be eligible for compensation. Accidents occur in the workplace, and if they occur through the negligence of your employer, you may be able to get a personal injury lawyer in Sydney to make your case and get you financial retribution.
Contact Information
If you’ve been injured at work or become ill and needed medical care, you may be able to receive compensation from your employer if they were at fault for your issues. Call workers compensation lawyers, PK Simpson on 02 9299 1424, to enquire about your situation and receive advice and information on whether you have a case.
For more information on what to do if you’re injured at work, contact PK Simpson personal injury lawyers. Our workers’ compensation experts can help you understand your rights and guide you through the claims process.
What to Do If You Are Injured At Work | PK Simpson #Sydney #NSW #workers
— PK Simpson InjuryLaw (@PK_SimpsonAU) September 14, 2017