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    Slips, trips, and falls from any height and in any location, whether in a Cumberland workplace, supermarket, shop or street, can easily result in short or long-term injuries and even be fatal.  Slips, trips and falls often cause severe injuries at work in NSW, second only to hazardous manual tasks, both of which contribute to musculoskeletal disorders.

    If you’ve sustained a slip and fall injury in an incident or accident, whether in Cumberland, Sydney or elsewhere in NSW, you may be eligible to claim various amounts of Public Liability insurance compensation for damages. If you are successful, this compensation can cover any of the legal, medical or hospital costs associated with your slip and fall injuries.  You may also be eligible to make a claim for pain and suffering. Talk to a lawyer today.

    The PK Simpson legal firm has the best compensation lawyers for slip and fall Cumberland has to offer by far. We have experts who can make an assessment of your case and the extent of your injuries and losses to make sure you receive adequate compensation.

    All Cumberland businesses and workplaces, councils, and anyone catering to the public must have Public Liability Insurance to cover a claim if someone is injured on their premises or footpaths, in parks and gardens and other places where people gather.

    For more than 35 years our specialist compensation lawyers at PK Simpson have helped injured and ill people in Australia deal with insurance companies and make slip/fall Cumberland compensation claims.

    Slip Trip and Fall Hazards

    Slips often occur when there isn’t enough friction or traction between a person’s footwear and the surface they are traversing.

    Trips cause accidents when the person’s foot hits an unseen obstruction or if their foot makes contact with a soft surface and loses their balance or gets caught up in a cord or rope.

    Falls can occur because of the above-mentioned slips or trips or if the floor or surface a person is stepping onto collapses or moves. This often happens when a person is descending from a height and results in them crashing to the ground, causing serious injury.

    If you have had a slip, trip or fall accident in Cumberland, call PK Simpson today to talk to a lawyer about lodging a Public Liability insurance claim for compensation.

    Injuries From Slip, Trip and Fall Accidents in Cumberland

    Public liability insurance claims for slips, trips and falls are common because these injuries can affect your health and well-being in the long term. Your accident may have occurred on broken asphalt on a Cumberland roadway, caused by uneven paving stones, or spilt liquids in a supermarket aisle. There are many different causes of slip and fall accidents. If this is you, talk to a lawyer today.

    However, any of the following musculoskeletal injuries or impairments may result from a slip, trip or fall accident in Cumberland and be the subject of a Public Liability insurance claim:

    • back injuries
    • disc injuries
    • sprains
    • strains
    • other soft tissue injuries
    • permanent long-term injuries
    • even death

    Common Risks Inside Cumberland Buildings

    Many people fail to realise the dangers of slip-fall accidents inside buildings in Cumberland and right across Australia. For instance, uneven flooring, changes to floor covering styles from carpet to tiles, or sloping surfaces are hazardous. If a surface is poorly maintained, slippery due to the wrong cleaning products, or spills are not cleaned up promptly, they can pose a danger to the unwary. Public Liability Insurance should be in place to cover an unexpected claim.

    Floor spills in Cumberland shops, supermarkets and buildings where people access services etc., can include water, oil or grease, paper or dust. Trip-fall hazards also include a lack of space, a cluttered aisle, areas not appropriately lit, and inadequate warning signs for steps and edges. Loose floor rugs, cords and cables are risky as well.

    PK Simpson is the best firm of experienced, excellent slip and fall injury lawyers Cumberland-wide. If you’re searching for “the best slip-fall lawyers near me”, contact us today. You can chat live, talk to our helpline on 1300 757 467 about a claim or send a message to a lawyer about your accident via the convenient online form so we can get your compensation case started.

    Contact Us Today If You’re Unable to Work

      Injured in an accident?

      Speak with our team today...

      For over 35 years we’ve helped injured and ill people of Australia
      in making slip and fall Cumberland compensation claims.

      Employees in Factories and

      Heavy machinery, repetition and crushing accident injuries occurring in factories,

      Construction Sites

      Construction injuries to do with heavy lifting and heavy machinery on or around

      NSW Police Force Employees

      Injuries occurring in the course of carrying out work as a police officer


      Injuries occurring in the course of carrying out work as a fire-fighter

      NSW Paramedics, Hospital

      Injuries and accidents suffered whilst conducting life saving and regular duties

      Shopping Centres and

      Accidents happen on a daily basis in these highly populated and busy areas

      Restaurants / Cafes

      Accidents and injuries to workers and patrons

      Schools / Universities / TAFE

      Accidents and injuries occurring in both private and public venues

      Shops / Offices / Other

      Personal injury compensation is available to you if you come to us

      All Workplace Accidents and

      Any work injuries occurring in a workplace

      Get in touch and find out what compensation you are owed.

        Injured in an accident?

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