If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to receive weekly payments or a lump sum under Workers Compensation New South Wales law. The compensation is for any losses and expenses you have incurred as a result of your injuries. You can claim NSW Workers Compensation for a range of losses, including the cost of medical treatment, and loss of income. The process of making a claim can be stressful, which is why it is best to hire a NSW Workers Compensation lawyer at PK Simpson to handle the reports, forms and documents relating to your case.
Notify the Boss if You’ve Been Injured at Work
It’s vitally important that you immediately tell your boss if you’ve been injured at work. To make a claim for Workers’ Compensation in NSW you must notify your employer as soon as or as near to the date of the injury as possible, even though you have six months in which to do so. The sooner you do it, the less likely you are to delay your Workers Compensation payments. You must tell your employer how the incident happened and the extent of your injury.
You could be entitled to claim NSW Workers Compensation for more than you realise, so always consult a lawyer before lodging your claim form. If you live in NSW, in or near Sydney, and you’ve been injured at work, you might be wondering, “Is there a PK Simpson Workers’ Compensation lawyer nearby or near me?” If so, call us on 1300 411 596 or email enquiries@pksimpson.com.au, so we sort out your No Win No Fee Workers’ Compensation claim.
Read More: Navigating Workers’ Compensation in New South Wales