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    Échete travmatisteí se atýchima?

    Boroúme na sas voithísoume na anaktísete apozimíosi.

    Den kerdízoume kathíkonta apozimíosis me édra sto Sídneï.

    Kerdísame páno apó 25.000 axióseis apozimíosis kai boroúme na sas voithísoume na ypoválete axíosi stous akólouthous tomeís:

    • aftokinitistikó atýchima
    • travmatismós trochaíou atychímatos
    • travmatismós stin ergasía
    • ergatikó atýchima
    • ergatikó atýchima
    • glistrísate kai pésate sto soúper market
    • atýchima se dimósio choro
    • iatrikí améleia
    • chtypíthike apó aftokínito enó perpatoúse / atýchima pezón
    • aníkanos na ergasteí lógo travmatismoú
    • axióseis tpd
    • atychímata me motosykléta
    • atychímata me podílato

    eán vrískeste sto Sýdnef, boreíte na mas episkeftheíte prosopiká í boreíte na mas milísete méso kámeras web. óla ta éngrafá mas boroún na ypografoún ilektroniká, opóte den chreiázetai na érthete sto grafeío mas.

    Káname éfkolo gia tous travmatíes na échoun prósvasi stin ypiresía mas chrisimopoióntas kámera web kai ilektronikés ypografés. Boreíte na mas milísete aná pása stigmí, échontas mia synántisi me ton dikigóro sas

    sto tiléfono í méso kámeras web.

    Eán eíchate éna atýchima milíste me énan apó tous dikigórous mas símera.

    Eímaste mia polypolitismikí nomikí etaireía me ypallílous apó óli tin ergasía pou boroún na sas voithísoun na katanoísete ta dikaiómatá sas kai na exigísete ti diadikasía ypovolís axíosis apozimíosis.

    Eímaste stin efcháristi thési na sas voithísoume sti glóssa sas kathós kai sta Angliká.

    Epikoinoníste me tin omáda sto PK Simpson Lawyers símera.

    Contact Us Today If You’re Unable to Work

      Injured in an accident?

      Speak with our team today...

      For over 35 years we’ve helped injured and ill people of Australia
      in making slip and fall Liverpool compensation claims.

      Employees in Factories and

      Heavy machinery, repetition and crushing accident injuries occurring in factories,

      Construction Sites

      Construction injuries to do with heavy lifting and heavy machinery on or around

      NSW Police Force Employees

      Injuries occurring in the course of carrying out work as a police officer


      Injuries occurring in the course of carrying out work as a fire-fighter

      NSW Paramedics, Hospital

      Injuries and accidents suffered whilst conducting life saving and regular duties

      Shopping Centres and

      Accidents happen on a daily basis in these highly populated and busy areas

      Restaurants / Cafes

      Accidents and injuries to workers and patrons

      Schools / Universities / TAFE

      Accidents and injuries occurring in both private and public venues

      Shops / Offices / Other

      Personal injury compensation is available to you if you come to us

      All Workplace Accidents and

      Any work injuries occurring in a workplace

      Get in touch and find out what compensation you are owed.

        Injured in an accident?

        Speak with our team today...