Stress at work compensation claims


Around 4 in 10 Australian employees have stress levels that put them at risk of diabetes, heart disease, and mental illness, according to a study conducted by the University of Wollongong and the Workplace Health Association of Australia.

Table of Contents

  1. Stress Levels Among Australian Employees
  2. Impact of Work Responsibilities on Health
  3. What Counts as Workplace Mental Stress?
  4. How to Deal with Workplace Stress

Stress Levels Among Australian Employees

The report, which surveyed 30,000 workers, found that 65 percent have moderate to high stress levels. CEO of the Workplace Health Association of Australia, Dr. John Lang, says the results are a concern:

“This is an alarming insight into the poor levels of health experienced by most Australian workers. It highlights the urgency to deliver preventative actions in the workplace,” he added.

Impact of Work Responsibilities on Health

This also points to an important issue for employees – excessive work responsibilities can harm health in the long term and could become grounds for a valid claim.

While the process of pursuing a workplace injury case is more straightforward, an incidence of stress at work requires sound legal know-how. Therefore, it is best to consult experienced solicitors if you feel you are being pushed beyond your limits at your job or that work-related stress has led to a long-term illness.

What Counts as Workplace Mental Stress?

Safe Work Australia defines work-related mental stress as the negative reaction workers experience in response to job-related demands that are beyond their capabilities. If such expectations are made from employees on a regular basis, they can contribute to serious mental and physical illnesses.

The authority states mental stress claims have the worst financial impact on the economy. According to counselling service Lifeline, work is the No.1 source of stress for Australians, ahead of a number of factors including finance, relationships, and health.

How to Deal with Workplace Stress

In the first instance, a worker must take the matter up with the employer. This makes them aware of the challenges employees are facing. It will also help employers identify the hazards and risks that are leading to stress at work.

Once an issue has been brought to the management’s attention, they are obligated to investigate it and make any necessary changes to the social and physical environment to mitigate the risk.

However, if the problem persists, it is best to seek legal advice.

Bear in mind that there are time limits in place when it comes to making a claim, so it is best to approach experts like PK Simpson personal injury lawyers as soon as possible.