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    Have You Been Injured in an Accident at Queen Victoria Building Shopping Centre?

    Shopping centre claims for injury are common in the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney. A slip or fall accident can result in serious injuries, so if you can’t work due to such an accident, and face possible financial loss and large medical bills, you could be eligible to claim compensation for your expenses and also for pain and suffering.

    At PK Simpson Lawyers, our retail store injury claims experts can help recover losses from the store or the owners or managers of the Queen Victoria Building. Don’t wait. Call us today so we can start the ball rolling on your compensation claim.

    About Queen Victoria Building (QVB)

    Sydney City Council owned the heritage-listed Queen Victoria Building in George St until a 2017 asset swap worth over $1 billion saw Vicinity Centres (Australian retail property group), and Singapore’s Government Investment Corp, (a sovereign wealth fund), become owners. (1)

    The QVB is a major Sydney landmark, occupies a city block, forms a major pedestrian link and houses more than 128 retail stores and food outlets, restaurants, art galleries and other services with the atrium’s five levels hosting high fashion brands, and cafes.

    For more than 35 years PK Simpson lawyers have helped injured and ill people in Australia to make slip/fall retail compensation claims and to deal with QVB retailers’ insurance companies.

    Hazards in Queen Victoria Building Shopping Centre Retail Stores

    Trips, slips and falls can happen if shoppers are more intent on browsing all the sumptuous food shops or fashions rather than watching where they’re going. The QVB and all supermarkets, retail stores and shopping centres in Australia have a duty of care to their customers, tradespeople, suppliers, and employees. Care must be taken to help avoid accidents, not only on their premises but also in car parks.

    The potential hazards in the QVB building, stores and car parks include:

    • Falls on stairs or escalators
    • Boxes or bags inadvertently left in aisles
    • Faulty fridges or freezers leaking liquids onto floors
    • Fridges and freezers left open allowing liquids to leak
    • Food scraps or other debris on floors
    • Wet areas on floors near entry and exits due to rain.
    • Car park accidents

    Unfortunately, accidents happen in the QVB, supermarkets and retail shopping centres across Australia. These slip and fall accidents and injuries can result in claims against retail stores.

    Claim Compensation for Slip & Fall Accidents and Injuries in Queen Victoria Building and Stores with PK Simpson today

    If you’ve suffered an injury in an accident in the QVB Building or any of its stores or service outlets, call our team of personal injury compensation specialists at PK Simpson. When we act for them, claimants often receive lump-sum payments.

    Our professional and expert compensation lawyers can deal with QVB management and its insurance company. If you’re an employee, tradesperson or supplier of either the QVB or its tenants and you’ve been injured in the building, you may be able to make a workers compensation claim.

    For lawyers nearby or if you’re searching online for ‘lawyers near me or in my area’, call PK Simpson today on 1300 757 467.


    1. https://www.afr.com/property/gic-vicinity-exchange-11b-shopping-centres-chatswood-chase-qvb-the-strand-20171106-gzfftr

    Contact Us Today If You’re Unable to Work

      Injured in an accident?

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      For over 35 years we’ve helped injured and ill people of Australia
      in making slip and fall Queen Victoria Building compensation claims.

      Employees in Factories and

      Heavy machinery, repetition and crushing accident injuries occurring in factories,

      Construction Sites

      Construction injuries to do with heavy lifting and heavy machinery on or around

      NSW Police Force Employees

      Injuries occurring in the course of carrying out work as a police officer


      Injuries occurring in the course of carrying out work as a fire-fighter

      NSW Paramedics, Hospital

      Injuries and accidents suffered whilst conducting life saving and regular duties

      Shopping Centres and

      Accidents happen on a daily basis in these highly populated and busy areas

      Restaurants / Cafes

      Accidents and injuries to workers and patrons

      Schools / Universities / TAFE

      Accidents and injuries occurring in both private and public venues

      Shops / Offices / Other

      Personal injury compensation is available to you if you come to us

      All Workplace Accidents and

      Any work injuries occurring in a workplace

      Supermarkets in Sydney That Can Provide Compensation
      For Slips, Falls, Accidents and Other Injuries

      Get in touch and find out what compensation you are owed.

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